Want To Know Why You Have A Toothache?

Want To Know Why You Have A Toothache?

Posted by Really Smiles Apr 09, 2016

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A toothache: that’s the last thing you need in your busy life. Whether it’s a minor pain that distracts you from the things you need to do or severe, miserable pain you simply don’t have time for those kinds of interruptions!

We’ve been treating toothaches in Carmel and surrounding communities for decades, and we’ve come to learn a thing or two about the most common kinds we see. Today we want to give you a quick rundown of toothache types and what they mean. Knowing what’s going on can really put your mind at ease and help you schedule an appointment in the appropriate time frame.

Short Duration Pains

Sometimes a pain comes and goes pretty quickly. That doesn’t mean they’re any less severe but it does tell us a lot about the kind of injury you may have.

Temperature Sensitivity

If ice cream, soup, soda, or coffee give you a little “zap” in the mouth it can be pretty alarming. If the pain goes away in less than 30 seconds it’s nothing too serious, thankfully. You should still plan on making an appointment, but the treatment is probably going to be routine.

Short duration temperature sensitivity is probably caused by a small spot of decay, mild gum recession, or a loose filling. We recommend using toothpaste made for sensitive teeth and avoiding the offending food as much as you can. If the sensitivity is due to decay or a loose filling it’s a simple fix. Gum recession can be a bit more complicated – try switching to a soft bristled brush and not being so rough on your teeth.

Pain When Biting Down

Does chewing or biting cause serious pain? There’s really only a few things that could be causing this, and all of them will require treatment as soon as possible. This kind of pain is hard to ignore and is miserable to endure, so don’t put up with it any longer than you have to.

In most cases of pain when biting there’s probably a really serious cavity, likely one that’s made it to the root of your tooth. Other problems can include a failing filling or a cracked tooth. Whatever the case we need to treat you!

Longer Lasting Pain

Long-term discomfort isn’t something you want to think about, but it’s always possible. Pain that lasts a while could have these kinds of causes.

Long Lasting Temperature Sensitivity

If that hot or cold food creates pain that lingers you probably have an infected root. We’ll need to see you as soon as possible – the symptoms will not go away on their own! Root canals are the only treatment for this kind of pain. Trust us – you’ll feel much better after your procedure!

Dull Pain In Your Teeth And/Or Jaw

If constant aches and pains in your teeth and jaws are bothering you there’s a good possibility that it’s related to your jaw joint, or TMJ. There are a lot of things that can cause TMJ disorders, and one of the most common is clenching, grinding, and gnashing teeth, also known as bruxism.

We can treat bruxism at Really Smile Dentistry, so don’t hesitate to make an appointment. A treatment as simple as a soft mouthguard could completely eliminate your pain.

Constant Aching Along With Swelling

Fever, swelling, aching, and sensitivity to touch all point to one thing: a dental abscess. These infections occur when an infected root spreads beyond the tooth and into the bone surrounding it. Abscesses are serious and need treatment as soon as possible.

An untreated abscess can spread to other areas, lead to secondary infections, and even destroy bone, gums, and teeth. Getting these dangerous infections under control isn’t optional, and waiting is only going to make the problem worse.

Immediate Treatment Is The Key!

When you come to us for a toothache our goal is always simple: eliminate your pain. We’ll never drag out a diagnosis or waste your time when you just want to get feeling better as soon as possible! If you have a toothache of any kind don’t hesitate to contact our Carmel office as soon as possible – the faster we see you the faster you’ll be feeling better!

You can request an appointment online or you can contact us by phone at 317-597-8748. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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