There’s Nothing Vain About Cosmetic Dentistry

There’s Nothing Vain About Cosmetic Dentistry

Posted by Really Smile Feb 12, 2016

Cosmetic Dentistry in Carmel, IN

Quick: what do you want to change about your smile? There’s a pretty good chance you came up with something fast – most people do. It’s pretty typical to not like something about your smile, and it’s also pretty typical to put up with it for years and years.

At Really Smile Dentistry we’re big fans of giving our patients the smiles of their dreams. In many cases we can completely change a person’s look, and it’s always for the better with cosmetic dental treatments! Our Carmel dental team simply loves seeing the looks on our patients faces when they see their new smiles.

Cosmetic Dentistry – Is It Really For You?

When we mention a cosmetic solution to a problem that patients complain about a lot of them bristle at it. The term “cosmetic” carries a lot of weight around with it, especially in the medical world. A lot of people associate cosmetic dental treatments with vanity, image-obsessed celebrities, and teeth that are too perfect to look real.

We also commonly hear the response that they aren’t nearly vain enough to need cosmetic dentistry. A lot of people assume that vanity is the only reason for cosmetic work at all but that simply isn’t the case!

Think about how often you smile: it’s one of the most important ways we can show emotions. If you’re hiding your smile behind tightly closed lips or a raised hand it isn’t an effective way to disguise your embarrassment – people notice! If your social or professional lives have been affected by your teeth then getting cosmetic dentistry is anything but vain – it’s a necessity.

Fixes That Aren’t Just For The Vain

When something as important as your smile makes you unhappy it changes everything about the way you live. Your confidence is affected, as is your self-worth and desire to socialize. That can also lead to taking less risks and not ending up with the job, relationship, or life you really want. Do you really want to avoid cosmetic dentistry simply because it seems vain at first glance?

The treatments we can offer at our Carmel office are for anyone but the image obsessed. We have a wide range of cosmetic dental services because we know how important a good smile can be to your life.

Take for instance a patient we saw last year – he was a regular patient who was horribly embarrassed about his smile. He did everything he could to hide it, even going so far as to change the way he smiled to avoid showing it off.

He finally had enough and came to us to get Invisalign and teeth whitening. By the end of his treatment he felt more confident, was taking more chances socially and professionally, and had finally landed a job he loved. That’s the power of a great smile: not simply looking good, but feeling good too!

What We Can Offer

Getting a whole new look could be as simple as a quick one day procedure or it could involve an extensive plan. No matter what we need to do to give you the look of your dreams we will make it happen!

  • Veneers are a cosmetic cover for the front of your teeth. They act a lot like a false nail and can completely transform the way a tooth looks. Veneers are permanent, lifelike, and a great way to get a truly new smile in just a couple of visits.
  • Teeth whitening at our office is truly effective. These aren’t those iffy over-the-counter kits: this is professional strength, custom whitening that provides real visible results in less time.
  • Invisalign is a truly invisible orthodontic treatment that straightens your teeth in less time and with less visibility than metal braces. In just about a year you can have the perfect smile, and all without anyone having noticed you were undergoing treatment!
  • Smile makeovers use these techniques and more to completely transform the look of your teeth. If you want the full package then a smile makeover is for you!

Cosmetic Treatments That Work – Fast!

The bottom line is that you don’t need to live with a smile you don’t love. Your teeth should complement your appearance, and that means not being afraid to show them off to the world! If you’ve been hiding your smile now is the time to take control of it and get a truly great look that will change your life!

Schedule an appointment at Really Smile Dentistry by calling 317-597-8748 or by filling out our online request form. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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Carmel, IN

3003 East 98th St. Ste. 241, Carmel, IN 46280


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(317) 841-9623