The Biggest Perpetrators of Tooth Staining Might Surprise You

The Biggest Perpetrators of Tooth Staining Might Surprise You

Posted by Really Smile Feb 12, 2014

Tooth Staining in Carmel, IN

Does green tea stain your teeth? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, according to oral health experts. The drink is popular among young adults, and many don’t realize that, like coffee and black teas, green tea can stain teeth a yellow hue. DNA India explains this phenomenon: “Such beverages are acidic in nature, and increase the porosity of the enamel… This makes it easier for the pigmented molecules found in teas to adhere to the enamel and cause staining.”

Most people want to either get whiter teeth, or maintain the set they have. Here is what you need to know about white teeth, and what you can do to maintain healthy habits.

The Biggest Perpetrators of Tooth Staining

  • coffee
  • tea
  • soda
  • smoking
  • wine
  • citrus juices (such as orange juice)
  • soy and curry sauce
  • excessive sugar
  • sports drinks
  • berries (blueberries, pomegranates, etc.)

Although all these beverages, foods and habits can potentially stain your teeth, they can be very difficult to avoid. Although most of us appreciate our white teeth, completely avoiding common drinks and foods is probably out of the question. For this reason, there are both preventative measures you can take to protect your teeth, and cosmetic dentistry procedures you can opt for.

Tips for Preventing Tooth Stains

  • One common reason soda stains and wears away at enamel is that people will sip it for hours. If you limit your soda drinking to mealtimes, and rinse your mouth with water after, you can dramatically reduce the impact to your teeth’s whiteness. Web MD explains that “cola-stained teeth are most common among people who have a can on their desk all the time and sip all day long.”
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially following meals. This can help to remove stains and tannins from teas and wines that can have a yellowing effect.
  • Avoid excessive fluoride exposure. Although small amounts of fluoride are good, high fluoride water levels, supplements, and fluoride-based rinses have the potential to cause discoloration.
  • Visiting a dentist twice yearly can help to reduce the inroads plaque and discoloration makes on your enamel.

For better or for worse, dental stains are not always preventable. Often, yellow teeth occur either as a result of genetics, trauma, or prescribed medication, and brushing will have little to no effect. Luckily, there are both home whitening kits and cheap teeth whitening procedures dentists will perform.

Your Home and Professional Options for Teeth Whitening

  • Teeth whitening home remedies are an option for people who have mildly stained teeth. Before brushing your teeth, rub them down with strawberries or lemons a couple of times a week. Foods like apples and celery can act like organic stain removers as well.
  • Another option for mild stainage is whitening strips. These are typically cheap and easy to use. Even the best teeth whitening kits available for home use, though, will only increase your teeth’s brightness by several levels. They are not intended for people who have dramatically stained teeth.
  • Veneers cosmetic dentistry are a great option for people who need dramatic results. For veneers cosmetic dentistry, dentists will apply a thin, porcelain shell to the front of your teeth, creating a movie-star worthy yet natural looking smile.
  • Professional teeth whitening procedures use higher levels of hydrogen peroxide than what is available in a home kit. They can usually be done within the space of a single dental office visit.

Would you consider using home whitening kits, veneers cosmetic dentistry, or professional procedures to whiten your teeth? Let us know in the comments.

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