Eliminating Sleep Apnea

Eliminating Sleep Apnea

Posted by Really Smile Jan 11, 2014

Sleep apnea in Carmel, IN

Upon finding out that you have sleep apnea, you become very disappointed. Who can blame you? Sleep apnea can give you a lot of problems to worry about. It frequently interrupts your breathing whenever you sleep at night, making it nearly impossible for you to get a decent amount of rest. As a result, you’re more than likely to fall asleep while working or even driving the following day. To add up to your woes, sleep apnea can trigger hazardous health conditions such as heart attack, diabetes, stroke, heart failure, and high blood pressure. With all of these terrible scenarios waiting to take place, you have no other choice but to rid yourself of sleep apnea.

To give yourself a good chance of eliminating sleep apnea, you must strictly follow the guidelines that we have listed below:

  • Don’t lose hope. Once you start believing that you can no longer recover from your predicament, you may choose not to do anything about it.
    • Find time to exercise even for just a few minutes. Losing excess weight can decrease the symptoms of sleep apnea, so you should find time to walk around your neighborhood or workout at the gym even for just a few minutes.
    • Refrain from eating sweet and fatty foods. You can’t effectively lose weight through exercise alone. Therefore, you should also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables instead of foods that are rich in sugar and cholesterol.
    • Don’t smoke. The nicotine in cigarettes can cause your throat muscles to relax and obstruct your airway.
    • Avoid alcoholic drinks, sleeping pills, and sedatives. Just like nicotine, these substances are capable of relaxing your throat muscles.
    • Get professional help. In case self-help practices fail to improve your condition, it’s advisable for you to get professional help here at our Carmel, Indiana dental clinic.

For expert advice on dealing with sleep apnea, you may visit Dr. David Smith or dial 317-597-8748 to schedule an appointment with him.

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